POI Connect

Our services
Key Features
Leverage our Regional Queensland network to transport your NBN traffic from the POIs to your designated Point of Presence.
- Layer 2 Ethernet Transport for RSPs that have onboarded with NBN Co directly
- Interconnection options for either physical NNI or vNNI
- Point to Point E-Line (EPL) delivered via a fully protected IP/MPLS core
- Flexible commercials, with the option of capacity to be shared across Regional POIs, with shaping at the Headend.
- Currently available at Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Rockhampton.
Key Benefits
Why Choose ONQ?
It’s simple: World-class product quality and reliability delivered with personalized, Australian-based service.

Redefining the way Business Telco in
Australia should be
Talk to us about your connectivity needs.